My Journey to Veganism

People used to always ask me why I decided to become vegan. Now, everyone who knows me just knows that it's part of who I am. It's who I should have been a lot sooner. It all started a beautiful morning in November 2008 when I was in Springfield, MO on a business trip. I... Continue Reading →

The Car Seat Strike is Over!

This weekend was huge for us! My husband, son and I had a great weekend. We went to the park, an outdoor shopping center, a kid's museum and to the grocery store. It might sound like a normal weekend but it was huge for us because it was the first time in 3 1/2 weeks... Continue Reading →

Birthday fun!

I'm ba-ack! It's been awhile since I last posted. Where has the time gone? I am still vegan and I still have celiac disease. Ha ha, celiac disease is unfortunately never going away but then again, neither is my veganism. I'm still fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom to my precious son... Continue Reading →

Apricot Bars!

One of my husband's favorite snacks are apricot bars that he gets from Mother's Market, our local health food store here in Orange County. They are very small and just under $3 so I was determined to make some for him. I didn't have a recipe but I picked up a bag of dried apricots... Continue Reading →

GF Vegan Baking Challenges

As a stay at home mom, I've been trying to come up with a way to earn income while staying home. I've played with the idea of starting a baked goods business but it's been frustrating. I originally wanted to make candies (toffee, caramel etc) and I met with a sweet friend who has her... Continue Reading →

I quit!

Last month, I did something I had been wanting to do for quite a while. I quit my job! And I feel great! I had been on maternity leave for the last two and a half months. My husband wanted me to stay home with our new baby but I didn't want to put a... Continue Reading →

Free Gluten-free Care Package!

Did you know that if you were diagnosed with Celiac Disease through a biopsy in the last twelve months that you can receive a free gluten-free care package from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center? It can be overwhelming when you are diagnosed with Celiac Disease and told that you can't have some of... Continue Reading →

Lemon Tips!

I love cooking with lemons. They make a great quick salad dressing (I love a simple kale, lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper salad with sliced almonds) and lemon baked goods are so yummy! When recipes call for fresh lemon juice there are two things that really help the process. First- I roll my... Continue Reading →

Creamy Pasta with Veggies

This is a simple pasta dish that is perfect, creamy and delicious. I love to throw things together and this quickly became a favorite. Feel free to add different veggies (broccoli anyone?) and play with the spices. Cayenne pepper or smoked paprika would taste great too! 12 oz gluten-free pasta 1 cup frozen green peas... Continue Reading →

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